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Sometimes oral accidents and injuries boil down to nothing more than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. No matter what you do to help lower your risk, every once in a while, an oral accident can occur. That’s why they’re called oral accidents. However, if you suffer from an oral emergency, have an effective treatment plan in place to minimize the damage as best as possible.

Oftentimes an individual may suffer from broken teeth if they suffer from a blunt trauma blow straight to the face. If for any reason your teeth chip or crack, you will want to visit your dentist so that the appropriate treatments can be given. However, in the meantime, make sure that you are applying gauze to the wound so that bleeding does not continue to occur. Also, be sure to wash away any debris or materials to lower your risk for potential infection.

In severe cases, teeth that are damaged could be knocked completely out. However, it does not mean that your smile must suffer forever. In fact, it may be possible to still take the tooth that has been knocked out and have it reinserted at a later date by your dentist. Collect the tooth and soak it in liquid, so it does not dry out and crack. By visiting your dentist within 1 hour of the oral emergency, you run the best chance of having it effectively reinserted once again. Effective products for storing teeth in include cell growth mediums such a Save-a-Tooth or containers of milk. Furthermore, water with a pinch of table salt may also work as well.

Do you have any additional questions or concerns about oral accidents and injuries? You are welcome to stop by our office. To schedule an appointment with your dentist at Ocean Dental, call us at our dental office in Bellflower, California, at 562-866-6914. Dr. WonJoon Lee and our entire team would like you to us today and enjoy the season with a smile!